Friday, September 24, 2010

Who needs Java when you've got Kettlebells??......okay maybe I still need my Java.

Today I don't start work until a little bit later in the morning so I decided why not get it out of the way since I can see into the future and know myself pretty well that if I don't get home until 830pm, chances of a workout are slim and chances of a cold beer and a plop on the sofa are more likely.

So while I was drinking my cup of Joe (yes I needed it this morning), surfing the net creating yet another Forever 21 wishlist and multitasking (aka blackberry messaging my friend Mary)...time was slipping by. I am a huuuge procrastinator by nature but thankfully I have a great friend who knows what I need and she said "go workout now, you'll feel better when you're done". So like the good girl I am, I listened to her . I went into my back room where all 3 of my kettlebells are staring at me out in the open, I purposely don't hide them away so that I always see them. I decided to do another 5 Tabata workout and changed it up just a bit . She was right ! I do feel great, I feel awesome, knowing I can go to work and come home and not have to do a workout. (Unless I want to throw in some more swings for cardio) .... but that is now my choice.
Here is my workout for today:

(**see previous posts for links to info on Tabatas)
Tabata 1- Swings 30lbs
Tabata 2- Snatches alternating-20lbs
Tabata 3-Deep squats/lunges 20lbs
Tabata 4-Around to Stalls/Swings20lbs/ 25lbs
Tabata 5-floor tricep dips/leg drops
finished off with 30 calf raises.

So there it is. I'm refreshed for the day. time for a protein shake.

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