Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wow I really felt that one!

Aug 10th I went to my Kettlebell class and got my butt Whooped !!! She had us do walking alternating presses and I was stuck with two 25lb kettlebells so I went for it. We had to walk the length of the field while pressing each arm with a 25lb kettlebell. Then... do 10 burpees and 10 swings ! and then repeat all the way back. Next time we went it was 10 burpees and 20 swings and repeat and then !!! she said lets do it a third time. I never felt anger like that in my life. I said "i'm not doing anymore burpees" she said  "Yes you are" I said "No I'm not" She said "You'll be fine"... I did them and she was right, I was fine, angry but fine. At the end of the class I was literally dripping sweat. It was already a muggy and hot evening , throw in some kettlebell training and you have a recipe for drippy, sweaty, exhausted Me. But I must say I felt great afterwards.

Aug 12th... This class was all lower body. Swings, lunges, squats repeat , repeat , repeat. My legs and but hurt so good for 2 days later. Yesterday Mary and I decided to take it outside on our own for a third class of the week . We're really trying to get at least three classes but would still like a fourth. We did tabatas. 4 in total 2 exercises each...

Dbl handed swings/ Overhead Presses
Overhead swings/Mountain Climbers
Planks/Leg drops

Great quick workout 

I can honestly say I love kettlebells. I am seeing /feeling results and will never go back to conventional workouts.

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